Finest Harvest

Honey to Glass

Indulge in the Essence of Nature's Elegance: Each Taste, a Symphony of Flavors. Experience the richness of life in every jar, one unforgettable taste at a time.

Life is Sweet

The Essence of Nature

Pure Nature and Charming Village Life

The Story

In the heart of the picturesque village of Donnerskirchen, nestled near the shimmering shores of Lake Neusiedl, lies this quaint apiary operated by Adi. There I am producing some of the most exquisite honey in all of Austria.

With a deep reverence for the local landscape and a commitment to sustainability, I meticulously tend to my hives, ensuring that the bees have access to the finest nectar sources in the area. Carefully the honey is extracted, preserving its pure essence and delicate flavors. The Beekeeper’s Honey is not just a product; it’s a reflection of the natural beauty and rich heritage of Austria. Every jar is lovingly handcrafted and labeled, with elegant packaging that exudes luxury and sophistication. 

Where the Pannonian Plain begins and the foothills of the Alps converge.

My bees thrive among a diverse array of flora. This unique geographic intersection provides a rich and varied foraging ground that makes our honey truly unique in Austria. The region is home to a variety of plants, including the fragrant blossoms of black locust (acacia honey), as well as cherry and apricot trees and the rich, caramelized flavor of chestnut honey. Additionally, numerous wildflowers and naturally growing blossoms contribute to the diverse foraging options, resulting in honey that is both unique and rich in flavor and very special.

By allowing the bees to forage naturally in this vibrant ecosystem, the honey produced not only boasts exceptional taste but also embodies the purity and health benefits of raw, unprocessed honey. Each jar is a testament to the harmonious relationship between the bees and their environment, offering a truly premium product that delights and nourishes.

All Natural

About our Apiculture

From Hive to Your Home

Guests can learn about different types of honey, beekeeping practices, and the significance of seasonal variations. Knowledgeable staff or beekeepers lead the tastings, offering insights into each honey's unique characteristics.


Bee Hives


diligent workers

Female Power

Some Words About Our Matriarchs

In the world of bees, the female is the heart and soul of the hive. These queens lead with strength, resilience, and unwavering dedication. They are the lifeblood of their colonies, nurturing and sustaining the hive's future.

Here you can see my four oldest and foundational beehives were the Single Hive Honey is from. Each of these hives holds a special place in my apiary.

  • Beehive 1 (green): A purebred Carnica queen from the beautiful Wienerwald resides here, known for her gentle nature and productivity.

  • Beehive 2 (yellow): This hive is home to a Buckfast queen from the Burgenland region, renowned for her resilience and vigor.

  • Beehive 3 (blue): In this hive, you’ll find a purebred organic queen from the Mariazeller Land, a region famous for its pristine natural environment.

  • Beehive 4 (red): Finally, this hive houses a hardworking queen from the picturesque Styrian Thermenland, known for her exceptional honey production.

We Give our Best

Savor the Finest Honey

Our commitment to sustainability and stewardship ensures that each bee is cared for with the utmost attention, resulting in honey that reflects the true essence of our environment. Come experience the magic of our apiary's haven, where every taste is a celebration of nature's bounty.

Our Product

Our Honey is a Life Full of Hard Work

Nestled in the serene beauty of northern Burgenland in Austria, my bees produce honey as unique as the landscape itself. This honey is more than just a sweet treat; it is a testament to sustainable beekeeping practices and the harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

Each year, as the summer solstice approaches, my bees are at their most active and thriving. This is the time when the colonies are at their strongest, bustling with energy and productivity. It is during this period when the bees are at their peak that I harvest the honey. The timing of the summer solstice is deliberate and respectful, ensuring that the bees have ample resources and are not disrupted by the honey collection process.

One of the core principles of my beekeeping philosophy is to prioritize the welfare of the bees. I ensure that the majority of the honey remains with the bees, providing them with the essential nutrients they need to sustain themselves through the seasons. This approach not only supports the health and resilience of the bee colonies but also contributes to the production of high-quality honey.

The honey that I harvest is collected with great care, using methods that minimize stress on the bees and preserve their natural habitat. By leaving the bees with a significant portion of their own honey, I support their ability to thrive and maintain their natural behaviors.

The hilly landscape of Leithagebirge, with its diverse flora and pristine environment, imparts a distinctive flavor to the honey. The bees forage on a variety of wildflowers, herbs, and trees, each contributing to the complex and rich taste of the honey. The result is a product that captures the essence of the Leithagebirge, offering a unique sensory experience that reflects the region’s natural beauty.

Every jar of honey is a reflection of my commitment to quality and purity. The honey is unprocessed and raw, retaining all its natural enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients. This ensures that you receive a product that is not only delicious but also packed with health benefits.

In addition to its exquisite taste, my honey is a symbol of sustainable beekeeping and environmental stewardship. By choosing my Premium Honey, you are supporting practices that prioritize the well-being of bees and the preservation of their natural habitats.

My goal is to bring a piece of the Leithagebirge’s natural splendor to your table. Each spoonful of honey offers a connection to the landscape, the flora, and the hardworking bees that make it all possible. It is a reminder of the delicate balance in nature and the importance of preserving it for future generations.

By enjoying this honey, you are not only savoring a delightful and nutritious product but also participating in a movement towards sustainability and respect for the environment. Thank you for being a part of this journey and for supporting beekeeping practices that honor the bees and the beautiful world we share.

Plant Species
> 0
Flights per kg Honey
Flight kilometers per kg Honey
Bees needed for 1 kg Honey
The Bees World


Honeybees are fascinating insects known for their incredible contribution to our environment and agriculture. These social creatures live in highly organized colonies, typically consisting of three types of bees: the queen, workers, and drones.

 The queen’s primary role is to lay eggs, and she can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day during peak season. Workers, which are all female, are responsible for various tasks within the hive, such as cleaning, feeding larvae, building and maintaining the hive, and foraging for nectar and pollen. Drones, the male bees, have the sole purpose of mating with a queen.

Honeybees are renowned for their role in pollination, which is vital for the growth of many crops and wild plants. As they collect nectar and pollen from flowers to feed the colony, they inadvertently transfer pollen from one flower to another, enabling fertilization and the production of seeds and fruits. This process is crucial for the reproduction of many plants, making honeybees indispensable to our ecosystems and food supply.

In addition to pollination, honeybees produce honey, a sweet substance made from nectar that they store in the hive as a food source. Humans have harvested honey for thousands of years, not only as a sweetener but also for its medicinal properties. Beeswax, another product of the hive, is used in a variety of products, from candles to cosmetics.

Honeybees play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity and supporting agriculture. Without them, the world would face a significant decline in food production and a loss of countless plant species. Protecting and conserving honeybee populations is therefore essential for the health of our planet.

Our Products

A Glimpse into Our Honey

Immerse yourself in the artistry and purity of our honey. Step into a world of imagination and natural beauty. From the first blossom to the final harvest, our bees capture the essence of our environment, reflecting the unique character and flavors of our apiary. Experience the dedication and creativity that go into every jar of our honey.

220 gramms

The Beekeper – Single Hive Honey

EUR 13,00

Absolutely Exclusive Product

Each drop of our honey comes from a single hive, ensuring that every jar is as unique as the hive it originates from. This careful process not only preserves the distinct characteristics and flavors of each batch but also highlights the natural variations that make our honey truly exceptional. By sourcing from a single hive, we capture the essence of a specific time and place, offering you an exclusive taste experience that cannot be replicated. Discover the rich, authentic flavor and unparalleled quality that only Single Hive Honey can provide, and savor the purity in every spoonful.

220 gramms

The Beekeeper – Artisan Honey

EUR 10,00

Our artisanal honey is crafted with utmost care and dedication, ensuring it reaches the pinnacle of quality. Each jar is a testament to the meticulous process we follow, from the careful tending of our bees to the precise harvesting of the honey. What makes our honey truly stand out is the special delicacy it offers—a richness of flavor and texture that can only be achieved through traditional, time-honored methods. The result is a honey that is not only pure and natural but also imbued with the subtle nuances that reflect the unique environment from which it comes. Whether drizzled over your favorite foods or enjoyed straight from the spoon, our artisanal honey promises an unparalleled taste experience that is both luxurious and unforgettable.

Origin of Honey

In the heart of a small village lies the origin of our honey, where every hive is nurtured with care and dedication. Rooted in rich soil and kissed by the sun, each blossom tells a story.

Exclusive Product

From the first blossom to the final harvest, our honey embodies the essence of our land, reflecting the unique character and flavors of our apiary. Our specialty, Single Hive Honey, captures the distinctiveness of each hive, offering a truly unique and exceptional taste experience.

A Commitment to High Quality Honey

Understanding the Value of Our Honey

From blossom to jar, every step of the honey-making process is carefully overseen by our skilled team, who work tirelessly to capture the essence of our apiary in every jar. We believe that great honey starts with the bees, which is why we meticulously tend to our hives year-round, nurturing them to produce honey of exceptional quality and flavor.

My approach to beekeeping prioritizes the welfare of the bees and the environment. My beehives are located in the forest, nestled under trees, which closely mimics the bees’ natural habitat. This placement makes the harvesting and processing more challenging, but it allows the bees to live as they would in the wild, leading to healthier colonies and more natural honey. I harvest honey during the summer solstice when the bees are at their strongest, ensuring that the process does not stress or harm them. I leave a significant portion of the honey for the bees themselves, supporting their health and natural behaviors. Additionally, I do not heat the honey during processing. This practice preserves all the beneficial enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients, although it makes the work more labor-intensive and slows down the bottling process tremendously. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics, I maintain an organic and natural habitat for the bees. These methods not only produce better honey but also promote biodiversity and environmental sustainability.

Raw, unprocessed honey retains all its natural enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients that are often lost in commercial processing. This makes it not only more flavorful but also more beneficial for health. Raw honey has antimicrobial properties, supports digestive health, and can provide natural relief for allergies. By offering honey in its purest form, I ensure that you receive all these benefits along with a superior taste experience.

Sustainable beekeeping practices have a positive impact on the environment and bee populations. By avoiding harmful chemicals and supporting natural foraging, I help maintain healthy and resilient bee colonies. Leaving a substantial portion of the honey for the bees ensures they have the resources they need to thrive. These practices contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and promote a healthier ecosystem, which is essential for the well-being of bees and many other species.

All revenues from the sale of my honey are reinvested into the well-being of the bees and the beekeeping operations. This ensures that the bees have the best possible environment to thrive in and that I can continue to improve and expand sustainable practices. By purchasing my honey, you are directly supporting the health of bee populations and the continuation of ethical and sustainable beekeeping.

Customers can expect a premium product that embodies quality, purity, and sustainability. Each jar of honey reflects the care and dedication that goes into its production. By choosing my honey, you are supporting ethical beekeeping practices that prioritize the health of the bees and the environment. You will enjoy a rich, flavorful honey that is not only delicious but also packed with natural benefits. Thank you for being part of this journey towards a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with nature.

Quality and sustainability are at the heart of my beekeeping practices. My honey is produced in the pristine environment of the Leithagebirge, where bees forage on a diverse range of wildflowers and herbs, resulting in a unique and rich flavor profile. The honey is raw and unprocessed, retaining all its natural enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients. Additionally, I adhere to Halal and organic guidelines, ensuring ethical and environmentally-friendly production methods. These practices, along with the careful and respectful harvesting process, contribute to the higher cost but also ensure superior quality and purity.

While I am working towards obtaining official Halal and organic certifications, my practices already align with these standards. I ensure cleanliness and avoid non-permissible substances in accordance with Halal guidelines. For organic standards, I do not use synthetic chemicals or pesticides, and the bees forage naturally in an untreated environment. My commitment to these principles ensures that the honey is pure, ethical, and environmentally friendly.

My honey is stored in black jars to protect it from light exposure, which can degrade its quality and nutritional value. Although honey in the hive is kept at a warm temperature, typically around 35°C, storing honey in dark, cool conditions outside the hive helps preserve its flavor, texture, and beneficial properties. The opaque jars prevent light from affecting the honey, ensuring it maintains its quality over time.

I choose to manually extract my honey because it allows for a gentler process that better preserves the delicate structure and quality of the honey. By avoiding the use of machines, I ensure that the honey is handled with the utmost care, retaining its natural enzymes, antioxidants, and flavors. This traditional method reflects my commitment to sustainability and the well-being of the bees, as it minimizes disruption to their natural processes and maintains the purity of the honey.

This addition emphasizes the care and artisan approach I take in producing my honey, further distinguishing my product as premium and environmentally conscious.

I always work with my bees while wearing a beekeeper suit. I believe that wearing the suit not only prevents painful stings but also helps avoid unnecessary harm to the bees. By being fully protected, I can work calmly and carefully, which is less stressful for both me and the bees.

No, I do not practice selection in queen breeding. Many beekeepers remove queens that produce more aggressive colonies or are considered less productive. However, I choose to work with all colonies because I believe that diversity is something special. The different characteristics of each colony are fascinating, and this variety not only contributes to a healthy and resilient bee population but also results in honey with unique and varied flavors.

I do everything myself—it’s all handcrafted. From the beekeeping and honey extraction to the design of the website, the creation of the labels, and the selection of the jars, every detail is carefully managed by me. This hands-on approach ensures that each aspect of the product reflects my commitment to quality, authenticity, and personal touch.

Optimal Honey Storage for Superior Quality

Our honey is stored under optimal conditions to preserve its natural purity and exceptional flavor. We ensure a controlled environment with ideal temperature and humidity levels, protecting the honey from light and air exposure. This careful storage process maintains the honey's texture, aroma, and nutritional properties, ensuring that every jar delivers the finest quality and taste from our hives to your table.

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Meet the Beekeeper

Diverse talents, unified in excellence through harmonious expertise – meet the minds behind our success.

The Background

About the Beekeeper

In the dynamic and fast-paced world of finance, where every minute counts and every decision carries weight, I spent the better part of my professional life. However, my journey took a significant turn, leading me towards a path less traveled but immensely fulfilling — climate advocacy and beekeeping. Today, I am proud to call myself a Climate Pact Ambassador for the European Commission and a dedicated beekeeper, supporting sustainability and environmental stewardship.

My career in finance was marked by a drive for success, analytical rigor, and strategic planning. Yet, amid the achievements and milestones, I felt a growing concern for the environmental challenges facing our planet. The increasing evidence of climate change, loss of biodiversity, and environmental degradation could not be ignored. I realized that my skills and passion could be redirected towards a cause that had the potential to make a profound impact on future generations.


This realization led me to delve deep into environmental protection in the last few years. I began to educate myself more and more on environmental issues, sustainable practices, and the importance of biodiversity. My financial background provided a unique perspective, enabling me to understand the economic implications of environmental degradation and the urgent need for sustainable solutions. My family has always been actively involved in environmental protection and sustainability, instilling in me a strong commitment to these values from a young age. This familial influence reinforced my dedication to making a positive impact on the environment through informed and effective actions.

In my quest to connect with nature and contribute to biodiversity, I discovered beekeeping in the early 2010’. Bees, often underestimated, play a crucial role in pollinating plants, supporting ecosystems, and enhancing food security. I was fascinated by their intricate social structures, resilience, and indispensable role in our environment. Thus, I embarked on a journey to become a beekeeper by starting training programs in 2016.


Beekeeping, for me, is more than just a hobby; it is a commitment to sustainability and a way to bring people closer to nature. With great care and dedication, I produce high-quality honey, ensuring that my practices are environmentally friendly and promote the well-being of my bee colonies. Each jar of honey is a testament to the harmony between humans and nature, and a reminder of the delicate balance we must maintain.

My involvement in climate advocacy culminated in my role as a European Union Climate Pact Ambassador for the European Commission. This voluntary position allows me to leverage my financial expertise and environmental passion to influence policies, raise awareness, and drive initiatives that promote sustainability. As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I engage with communities, businesses, and policymakers, advocating for actions that mitigate climate change and protect our planet.


Through workshops, presentations, and collaborative projects, I strive to inspire others to adopt sustainable practices. I emphasize the importance of reducing carbon footprints, conserving resources, and embracing renewable energy. By highlighting the economic benefits of sustainability, I aim to demonstrate that environmental responsibility and financial prosperity can go hand in hand.

One of my core missions is to reconnect people with nature. In our modern, urbanized world, many have lost touch with the natural environment. Beekeeping serves as a bridge, allowing individuals to witness the wonders of nature firsthand. By inviting people to visit the apiary, I provide them with a unique opportunity to learn about bees, their role in the ecosystem, and the importance of biodiversity.


I also organize educational programs and workshops, targeting schools, community groups, and businesses. These initiatives aim to raise awareness about the critical role of bees, the challenges they face, and how we can support their survival. By fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of nature, I hope to inspire a collective commitment to environmental stewardship.

As I reflect on my journey from the finance sector to climate advocacy and beekeeping, I am filled with a sense of purpose and optimism. The transition has not been without challenges, but the rewards have been immeasurable. I believe that each of us has the power to make a difference, and it is our collective efforts that will shape a sustainable future.


In my roles as a beekeeper, Climate Pact Ambassador and businessman, I remain dedicated to promoting sustainability, protecting biodiversity, and advocating for policies that address the urgent threat of climate change. Through my work, I hope to inspire others to take action, embrace sustainable practices, and reconnect with the natural world.


Together, we can create a world where economic growth and environmental sustainability coexist, ensuring a thriving planet for generations to come.


And finally, nature protection and sustainability do not have to mean a sacrifice of luxury. It’s possible to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle while also being environmentally conscious. By making mindful choices and supporting sustainable practices, we can protect the environment without compromising on comfort or quality of life. In fact, true luxury can be found in products and practices that honor and preserve the natural world, allowing us to enjoy the best of both worlds.

My World in Pictures


Welcome here, where passion for wine meets a commitment to quality. Join us on a journey of discovery the wine.

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